Gluma macabra de Halloween: un supermarket din Norvegia a scos la vanzare membre umane false! Vezi ce reactie au avut clientii

A Norwegian cut-price discount store has been forced to apologise to children and their families after they packed realistic looking severed plastic hands and feet in butchers plastic trays, and sold them on as part of their Halloween collection. But the move did not go down well with parents who went searching among pumpkins, witches costumes and broomsticks, and suddenly came across the freezer compartment with the severed limbs. Local TV covered the story after furious parents complained about terrified youngsters and now bargain store Europris has been forced to withdraw the range of fake, shrink-wrapped body parts. Company spokesman Knut Spaeren said: "We also didn't want to cause any upset, especially not to children, and we are withdrawing the range with immediate effect." But the move failed to lessen a storm of protest over Facebook and other social media platforms. Facebook user Mona Urfjell wrote: "I think it's such a shame that we have an American tradition so violently forced down our throats." And another Gudveig Olsen wrote: "It's absolutely terrible and it should not be allowed." And user Ivar Larsen added: "Do we not have enough violence in the country without these kind of crazy people bringing such things into the shops."

Un supermarket din Norvegia a fost obligat sa-si ceara scuze clientilor care i-au trecut pragul si au ramas socati cand, la raionul de carne, au gasit de vanzare maini de om, impachetate intr-un mod care arata cat se poate de real.

Compania a vrut doar sa faca o gluma de Halloween, asa ca s-a gandit sa puna la vanzare niste maini de om taiate, foarte bine reproduse, impachetate ca si cum ar fi fost carne de vanzare.

Copiii clientilor au fost pur si simplu ingroziti, iar cazul a creat un intreg scandal in tara. Furiosi, parintii au cerut explicatii companiei Europris, iar oficialii au fost fortati sa retraga „marfa” din magazine.


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