Masacru in Grand Rapids din Michigan, SUA: Un barbat a ucis sapte oameni

A Grand Rapids police car that was both hit and fired upon sits in the corner of Division and Fulton after a high speed chase through downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan, July 7, 2011. A man suspected of killing seven people was surrounded by police on Thursday in a house in the western Michigan city and possibly holding two hostages, authorities said. Mandatory credit: REUTERS/Ryan M.L. Young/The Grand Rapids Press and (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME LAW) NO SALES. NO ARCHIVES. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. MANDATORY CREDIT

Un barbat care ar fi ucis sapte oameni in orasul Grand Rapids din Michigan s-a sinucis, potrivit presei locale. Cei doi ostatici pe care-i luase, dupa comiterea crimelor, au scapat nevatamati.

Potrivit BBC, suspectul, in varsta de 34 de ani, ar fi impuscat patru oameni intr-o locuinta, apoi alti trei, de la alta adresa. Printre victime sunt doi copii. Barbatul s-a baricadat apoi intr-un apartament si a luat trei ostatici, dar pe unul l-a eliberat.

Barbatul se numeste Rodrick Dantzler si are 34 de ani. Peste 100 de membri ai fortelor de ordine au inconjurat imobilul si au incercat sa comunice cu barbatul. Barbatul a refuzat insa sa se predea si s-a sinucis cu propria arma.

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